How Is Crack Made?
Crack is made by chemically changing regular powdered cocaine HCI(Cocaine Hydrochloride) into freebase form. Freebase form makes the crack smokable because it will vaporize at a much lower temperature than powder cocaine.
Prior to the mid 1980's Freebase cocaine was made by “cooking” powder cocaine with ether, a highly flammable liquid, in a standard acid-base extraction. Although this process produced an extremely pure form of cocaine, it did not grow in popularity due to the tricky process to make it and the danger of fire and explosion.
During the mid 1980's a much simpler and cheaper method of making a freebase form of cocaine was discovered and was given the name "Crack" because of the crackling sound that it makes when it is smoked.
Crack is made by mixing powder cocaine with water and baking soda. The mixture is boiled until an oily substance forms on top. The mixture is then stirred and cooled which forms solid chunks. The solid chunks are then filtered from the water, dried and broken up into smaller nuggets or "rocks" and that is how crack is made.